Base Converter
Convert Numbers Between Different Bases
Our Base Converter tool allows you to easily convert numbers between different number systems, including binary, octal, decimal, hexadecimal, and custom bases. This is particularly useful for programmers, computer science students, and anyone working with different number representations.
Convert Base
How to Use the Base Converter
- Enter the number you want to convert in the "Input Number" field.
- Select the base of your input number from the "From Base" dropdown.
- Select the base you want to convert to from the "To Base" dropdown.
- For custom bases, select "Custom" and enter a base between 2 and 36.
- Click the "Convert" button to see the result.
- Use the "Copy to Clipboard" button to easily copy the converted number.
Common Base Conversions
- Binary (Base 2): Used in computer systems and digital electronics.
- Octal (Base 8): Sometimes used in computing and digital systems.
- Decimal (Base 10): Our standard number system for everyday use.
- Hexadecimal (Base 16): Commonly used in computing for compact representation of binary data.